Dominik Parisien: Survival Is Sinking

niece with a peach following four minutes of Planet Earth
nails & plastic cutlery
cut & stab & tear
the skin
at three she has teeth
like a beast & the instinct
to mutilate
understands implicitly she
is a predator at the dinner table
& survival is sinking
herself tooth & nail &
plastic tools deep
into fuzzy little things
Dominik Parisien's work can be found in places such as The Fiddlehead, Uncanny Magazine, Plenitude, Strange Horizons, as well as other magazines and anthologies. He is the co-editor, with Navah Wolfe, of The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales, which won the Shirley Jackson Award, as well as other anthologies. His latest project is Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction, with Elsa Sjunneson-Henry.