Travis Sharp: No Body Is a Scapegoat

Larger Lung:
This endless circulation this work this work question me answer me cog in my unproductive hole now I’m everywhere welcome to the queer opportunities section smaller lung look look around & find reflections of yourself everywhere happily & happily & happily sad & there’s an icon for that videos images reflections not present but looming as in weaving answers onto the icon onto you but no questions no body is a scapegoat for body is a scapegoat for in out this endless circulation this work this work
Smaller Lung:
Even the exhaustion is ex
Travis Sharp is a queer writer, artist, and teacher living in Buffalo. He's an editor and designer at Essay Press and at Small Po[r]tions, the author of the chapbook Sinister Queer Agenda (above/ground press, forthcoming), and a PhD student in the SUNY Buffalo Poetics Program. Other work has appeared with Columbia Poetry Review, LIT, Bombay Gin, Puerto del Sol, Entropy, and elsewhere.