Olatunde Osinaike: Nicknames for My G.P.A.

Robert Lamb
nicknames for my g.p.a.
breaking bad
royal toilet flush
tic-tac-toe match in the margins
numbed handshake from Deebo on Friday
truce between work ethic and “I meeeaaaan”
sorry, you have the wrong number
blinking yellow light
now worse
now sacrifice
paper doorknob
“what’s on your mind?”
question from family feud
staleface stuck on stage five
late check in flight to the Caribbean
(can somebody make a quicksand emoji)
unscratched lottery ticket skating along sidewalk
stop on Soul Train line at teacher’s desk
origami love letter from Eustace
grade-A helium balloon
pair of dice
Olatunde Osinaike is an Nigerian-American poet and software developer originally from the West Side of Chicago. He is based in Nashville and is currently working on publishing his first chapbook.