Kyle Valentine: It Is You

In the end we won’t need our bodies.
Umbrellas, the genesis of storms,
Crow after crow after crow.
For now, let’s steal flakes of moon
From the sleepless jaws
Of god’s coyotes,
Let’s entangle in the downpour
Beneath the final oak,
Every droplet every life
We could have but never lived.
Let me remember—are you
The television I dream of
Plummeting through the ether?
Are you the locusts stridulating
In the Molotov light of my last film?
All of this, my opulence.
All of this. It is you.
The wishes I’ve stolen
Are all that keep me warm.
Let me claw at your heart
Because I know
There lies a kingdom
I could die in.
Kyle Valentine is the recipient of a Fulbright, and he is currently working on his first chapbook, Glossolalia. His work has recently been published in Whiskey Island, Visitant, Rock & Sling, Construction, and elsewhere. A native New Orleanian, he currently resides in San Antonio, TX where he plays lead guitar in the rock & roll band The Holy Knives. You can check out their music and follow their tours at