Laura Page: Minutes on a Reunion

Minutes on a Reunion
After Roland Barthes
1. The women are all here. One deceased, a matriarch.
2. Who said a writer is one who plays with her mother’s body?
What of that mother’s mother?
3. I have my mother’ eyes, not her mother’s.
4. We peel away after discussing Flannery O’ Connor.
One possibly messianic bull brought up all the boxes.
5. Disagreement: whose boxes?
6. Why can’t I say grandmother?
7. Other concerns: where was she gored? Whose Jesus is the blue bull?
8. Polygravida > Primigravida?
9. The girls all go shopping for a new matriarch. Strips malls, big box stores.
10. We play with deformity. We gore. We grandmother.
Laura Page is a graduate of Southern Oregon University and editor of Virga Magazine. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Rust + Moth, The Rumpus, Crab Creek Review, Unbroken, Maudlin House, and others. Her chapbook, "Sylvia Plath in the Major Arcana," is forthcoming from Anchor & Plume Press.