Emeniano Acain Somoza, Jr: Levitation Artist
Photo: Joanna C. Valente
Levitation Artist
On the heat map of a moonless night
The strong and strange lies still wishing
It was the flu, or fugue for to cover
Shame that the redundant is not there
Again; to shield him from the nightly terror
As visitations by heavy-limbed dreams
Taking residence under the bed
With other misty-eyed monsters,
Ghosts fat with inactivity, self-loathing
At any rate because they all feed on air
One of these nights, he will rise
Above it; resolves to take matters
Picks up cat; hisses as it scurries away
Emeniano Acain Somoza, Jr., considers himself the official spiritual adviser of his roommates, Gordot and Dwight - the first a goldfish, the other a Turkish Van cat. Some forthcoming online and print, his works have been Editor's Choice in The Poetry Magazine, and featured in the Moria Poetry Journal, Fogged Clarity, Everyday Poem, The Siren, Oddball Magazine, The Literary Yard, Loch Raven Review, The Buddhist Poetry Review, Shot Glass Journal, The Philippines Free Press, Troubadour 21, Full of Crow, Indigo Rising, Asia Writes, Triggerfish Critical Review, Gloom Cupboard, TAYO Literary Magazine, Haggard & Halloo, and elsewhere. His first book, A Fistful of Moonbeams, was published by Kilmog Press in April 2010. This year, 'Songs of My Mother,' a collection of five of his poems called a Jog was published by W.I.S.H. Publishing. He is Editor At Large of The Syzygy Poetry Journal.