Valerie Hsiung: A Body Without Sex Without Scrutiny

Three excerpts from I did it, I said it
Paper thin enough for holes
The throat of a newborn bird receiving the vomit of his mother
Will you touch me
She asked the world
Which to her appeared as the face
Of her beloved
Over a bluish grayish subtext a face in a windshield
A compression that expands
A fist through plywood
Hanging down from a pole
It’s a body without sex without scrutiny without booths full of kleenex
Walking into the ocean
See the holes in the wall in the shape and in the size of a person’s head
The picture frame tilted ever so slightly so that today it couldn’t be hidden
The way a face can turn
In empathy and in travesty
Like one sway of the branch
One last marathon / One last hurrah
Ten more years / or a thousand…
The scars she had to prove what everyone else thought was just a myth
It comes and it goes
But is never there if she tries too intently to control it
If she tries too intently to ensnare it
I don’t want to be
The murderer of a dinner party gone fussy
And see that’s where intention can have
Its own twisted downfalls
He hands me an archival catalogue of White House State Dinner menus
The instinct for control or predation
A wooden coat rack from a white house snapped in half
Because he was angry
Poet and performer Valerie Hsiung is the author of three full-length poetry collections: e f g: a trilogy (Action Books, 2016), incantation inarticulate (O Balthazar Press, 2013), and under your face (OBP, 2013). Her poetry and interviews can be found or is forthcoming in an array of places, including American Letters & Commentary, Apiary, Black Nerd Problems, Cloud Rodeo, Cosmonauts Avenue, Bone Bouquet, Denver Quarterly, DIAGRAM, Diode Poetry Journal, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Luna Luna Magazine, Mad Hatters’ Review, Moonshot, New Delta Review, PEN Poetry Series, Prelude, RealPoetik, Tammy, and VOLT. She has performed at Casa Libre en la Solana, Common Area Maintenance, Leon Gallery, Poetic Research Bureau, Rhizome, Shapeshifter Lab, and Treefort Music Festival, among elsewhere. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Hsiung studied literary translation and ecopoetics at Brown University and is currently based out of Brooklyn, New York, where she works as a modern-day matchmaker. She serves as an editor for Poor Claudia. Find her online at