Your September 2020 Horoscope Is Here (With Poetry Recs!)

Photo: Joanna C. Valente
By Joanna C. Valente
It’s Virgo time. This month starts off with a full moon in Pisces on September 2, meaning it’s a time for all of your emotions to come out and play (or not play and maybe wreck some havoc). What I’m trying to say is: It’s going to be intense and a lot of suppressed emotions are going to come out, because nothing stays hidden forever. You definitely can’t hide from yourself.
This will help you understand yourself and give you more clarity over who you are becoming. Venus will be in Cancer, which exemplifies this feeling. However, you should be getting some career news soon, which should help you make necessary moves and choices. They won’t always be easy, but they are the right direction. Persevere and remind yourself to persevere.
Mars will retrograde from the 9 to November 13, which will make you feel less confident in some ways, less passionate, and less likely to desire being the center of attention. That being said, you’ll be more focused on your emotions, and less prone to impulse.
September 17 is the new moon in Virgo, which will make you focus on details, reflection, intuition, and putting your best foot forward. Virgo is all about hard work, and doing this work to achieve a bigger goal. So look at this as a time where you stop fooling yourself, and you get serious about the things you keep putting off, like a relationship, career, or project. It’s time to go to the next level, or say goodbye.
The fall equinox comes the same day as the start of Libra season, September 22. This is a time to show appreciation to the people and things around you, and take note of who and what has been supporting you. Be tender and open and honest. Cultivate these relationships and feelings. This is what will guide you.
Of course Libra season also starts, which will turn your attention to your relationships and balance. For those of you paired up, nurture that relationship, especially as the pandemic has probably caused a tremendous amount of tension. Do this with your closest friends too; they are also relationships that need fostering.
For those of you who are single and want to meet someone new, this could be a good time to start dating and meeting people (in a way that feels safe). Libra also signifies justice and balance, which also, of course means that if you feel like you haven’t given yourself enough self-love, now is the time. How can you also tunnel this energy into bettering the world around you?
It would be remiss not to mention the fact that there is a lot going on socially and politically, and what better time to volunteer, donate, or participate in your community? Foster that.
You feel uncertain this month, as if you aren’t sure if all of your hard work has been tunneled the right way. So much of your life, and your goals, feel fake or superficial all of a sudden. Is this true? How can you change this? How can you also navigate this election season in a way that feels true to you, but also doesn’t alienate people close to you? Even those with similar ideas often disagree. It’s a good time to listen - and be a support for others as well as yourself. Listen and be honest.
Poetry rec: Joe Nasta
Pay attention to what people are saying and be willing to play the mediator at times, whether in your friend group or family. This is also a good time for you to branch out and meet new people, whether through an app or through friends, and feel invigorated with passion. You’ve felt lonely the past few months, which is a difficult place for you to be. If you’re craving a partnership, make room for it.
Poetry rec: Amy Shimshon-Santo
How can you get involved in your local community more? You feel restless and tired of the emotional landscape lately, and crave connection and belonging. Focus on that - and how you can be more present in your relationships.
Poetry rec: Emily Okamoto-Green
Surrender to your emotions. Don’t run away from them. It’s okay to feel frustrated and let that frustration out. It isn’t a sign of weakness. Reach out to your friends for support - and cultivate these relationships. Plan ways to be social. So much of what you’re used to isn’t possible right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find other ways. Your heart needs love, not just the idea of it.
Poetry rec: E. Kristin Anderson
Open up! It’s hard for you to always express your emotions, especially when they are either uncomfortable without getting worked up - or tender. Sometimes you find it difficult to be affectionate, not because you don’t want to be, but it can feel forced. Let it all out - and dive into your inner romantic. The people around you will appreciate it.
Poetry rec: Zohra Zafar
This is a new beginning for you, and you feel that passion and lust for life. Get involved in the political community, and use your energy for good. Someone in your life, whether new or an old flame, is going to surprise you. Take the risk.
Poetry rec: Christian Sammartino
It’s an emotional, reflective month for you, which will have many highs and lows. Be ready to embrace all of it. Journal and set boundaries; find ways to navigate this that don’t burn you out. Ask for help if you need it, even if it’s just a friend to listen to you.
Poetry rec: Lauren Dostal
Your words are coming out all wrong this month. It’s as if you don’t know what to say, and in doing so, you might hurt people around you. In some ways, you feel this way about yourself. You’re in kind of a bind. How can you find activities or routines that help you unleash some of this energy? Running? Playing music?
Poetry rec: Macaulay Glynn
Focus on your emotional and physical health this month. While you aren’t doing anything reckless or unhealthy, you haven’t exactly set time aside for you. This month is going to present a lot of past traumas and situations you never quite felt closure from, so to work through that, focus on ways that you can relax and pause.
Poetry rec: Eden Isaac
A creative project is coming to fruition, and you’ll either finish it and/or find out good news regarding a show or publication. Enjoy this moment and all of your hard work. Don’t forget to thank the people who helped you make this happen.
Poetry rec: Caolan Madden
You tend to feel your emotions very physically, and because this month is full of emotion, it’s a smart time to get into a physical routine. What is an activity you can safely do? Conversely, it’s not a bad time to spice up or refresh your sex life (solo sex counts!). If you’re in a long distance romance, get creative.
Poetry rec: MIKI
This month is a doozy for you. You can be a master of ignoring your emotions to seem strong, and it’s a good time to surrender. Feel your emotions. Be honest. It’s important to find the balance between relaxing and not making every minute feel like it counts - and also being productive and pushing yourself to do the hard work, whether it’s at work or for yourself.
Poetry rec: J. Freeborn
Joanna C. Valente is a human who lives in Brooklyn, New York. They are the author of Sirs & Madams, The Gods Are Dead, Marys of the Sea, Sexting Ghosts, Xenos, No(body), #Survivor, (forthcoming, The Operating System), and is the editor of A Shadow Map: Writing by Survivors of Sexual Assault. They received their MFA in writing at Sarah Lawrence College. Joanna is the founder of Yes Poetry and the senior managing editor for Luna Luna Magazine. Some of their writing has appeared in The Rumpus, Them, Brooklyn Magazine, BUST, and elsewhere. Joanna also leads workshops at Brooklyn Poets. / Twitter: @joannasaid / IG: joannacvalente / FB: joannacvalente