Nadia Gerassimenko: Dolores Confesses, Succumbs, Wishes, Doubted

dolores confesses
i was a good girl,
this was our secret.
i didn’t like to be alone.
i would hide,
he always found me,
so skillfully hidden
from mother,
Source: Farrow, D. (2014, February 01). An Open Letter From Dylan Farrow. Retrieved from NY Times.
dolores succumbs
i succumbed painfully
for years.
my decision not to
avoid speaking,
saying all,
facing all consequences,
knowing it could
trigger another agony
in the wake,
the press held my
decisions as troubled,
Source: Farrow, R. (2016, May 16). My Father, Woody Allen, and the Danger of Questions Unasked (Guest Column). Retrieved from The Hollywood Reporter.
dolores wishes
i wanted desperately
that you believe me.
that you tell me
& countless others
i am so sorry!
this cannot be,
the cowardice allowing
“beloved” to continue
heinous behavior
even if you love him.
i am sorry. i believe you!
i stand with you.
Source: HuffPost, S. T. (2018, January 11). Exclusive: Mira Sorvino’s Open Letter To Dylan Farrow. Retrieved from The Huffington Post.
dolores doubted
still more people don’t
believe sexually abused.
people say, ah, his art!
but look unflinchingly,
see it truly.
a genius is a predator.
our blind spots deliberately
refused to see.
Source: Keane, E. (2015, March 26). “Woody Allen is a genius. Woody Allen is a predator”: Why Mariel Hemingway’s new revelation... Retrieved from Salon.
Nadia Gerassimenko is the founding editor of Moonchild Magazine and proofreader at Red Raven Book Design. She is a freelancer in editorial services by trade, a poet and writer by choice, a moonchild and nightdreamer by spirit. She tweets @tepidautumn.