Kristen Brida: Tinder Bio Sonnet

Tinder Bio Sonnet
I like to watch & be watched, so put an exclamation
-shaped mirror at your chest, and baby let’s make do!
Sometimes, I stick my thumb in between vertebrae
to convince myself the spine is made w/ broken
crab legs, do you want to see? Sometimes I want you
to tell me I look like Emily Dickinson
& I want to fight you back on it. I’m all jazz hands
all foodie all food all mouth all paw all moonboots no neon some view
You’re all about the < >, the sweetbread, the slip n slide of a tooth
Put the mirror around your neck, & I will take you
we’ll go get some coffee maybe go buy a cake,
put some icing on my face :: I’ll swallow the mirror whole, just for the chase
Kristen Brida's poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Bone Bouquet, New Delta Review, Hobart, Whiskey Island, DUM DUM Zine, and elsewhere. She is currently the Editor in Chief of So to Speak, a feminist literary journal. She is a poetry MFA candidate at George Mason University.