Katherine Fallon: Rites

Photo: Joanna C. Valente
Today, I gave a dollar to the woman
enraged to learn that one must pay
to dispose of one's husband's body.
She yelled as much as I passed her
on the sidewalk.
I gave because I failed not to
do the things I said I wouldn't do—
I want clear eyes, want grape snacks,
seek the sleep that's remembered
on waking, ought to be obscene, bright
as brand nude. Ought to be sharp
and fine as solid needles, point taken.
I want back in, want to ache my way
toward the feisty, congregated living.
Katherine Fallon received her MFA from Sarah Lawrence College. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Meridian, Passages North, Permafrost, Colorado Review, and Foundry, among others. Her chapbook, The Toothmakers' Daughters, is available through Finishing Line Press. She teaches in the Department of Writing & Linguistics at Georgia Southern University, and shares domestic square footage with two cats and her favorite human, who helps her zip her dresses. She and her favorite bread recipe can be found at katherinefallon.com, and she is reachable on Instagram @ghostelephants.