Kailey Tedesco: To Suck Dry

Promise Ring
The grass-scratch
of the End cuts
my belly dry & empty –
I climb over
hedgerows & into living
spaces with hexagonal
papers – the moose-bust
on my finger rots
the way to 24-Hour Video.
Through a pinned-
jaw it tells me to hide
behind the romances. A gunman
hides always inside glass
eyes – he wants
my face to pry open
in stop-motion – he wants
my game, but I lick
the antlers clean. I leave
carcass-escrow for
my girl with dark hair
so in the End
she’ll have bones
that are not her own
to suck dry.
Kailey Tedesco's books She Used to be on a Milk Carton (April Gloaming Publications) and These Ghosts of Mine, Siamese (Dancing Girl Press) are both forthcoming. She is the editor-in-chief of a Rag Queen Periodical and a performing member of the NYC Poetry Brothel. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. You can find her poetry featured or forthcoming in Prelude, Prick of the Spindle, Bellevue Literary Review, Vanilla Sex Magazine, and more. For more information, please visit kaileytedesco.com.