Joshua Zelesnick: The Future Is Here

Photo: Joanna C. Valente
an app to colonize the stars
the next generation could all
be holograms, light against
shadow creates what, roadkill
for one, maybe global economic
growth, laws, more mining nightmares
on the moons of saturn, choking
beyond the slow sweep of a hand
there is a flag easy to move
from our moon to another
to another, to all places
none of us should ever see
the future is here, and it’s
lunar, concrete could be useful
for building structures on the moon,
especially when colonization
occurs, sulfur-based lunar concrete
is the way to go due to the abundance
of sulfur and the ill-abundance of water
although this isn’t a problem
for all moons, like the moons
of saturn, it is a problem for our
moon, so sulfur as a binding agent
is essential to our future, manifest destiny
Joshua Zelesnick’s recent poems and political essays have appeared or are forthcoming in Jubilat, Word For/Word, Juked, Counter Punch, Labor Notes, Poetica Review, 8 Poems and DIAGRAM. His chapbook Cherub Poems was published with Bonfire Books in 2019. He teaches at public school in Pittsburgh where he lives with his partner and two young daughters.