Jane-Rebecca Cannarella: June 2019 Poet of the Month

Unfindable WCW hairdos
A photo of Barry Windham
with bangs and a ponytail
is unfindable online.
You said there are
still mysteries
That not even
the Internet can solve.
And this is
your favorite,
A forgotten WCW
You only saw it once at a live
event when you were a kid.
It's been 15
years, and the
things I don’t
know about
you are the things
I like the best.
Jane-Rebecca Cannarella is the editor of HOOT Review and Meow Meow Pow Pow Lit. She was a genre editor at Lunch Ticket, as well as a contributing writer at SSG Music. When not poorly playing the piano, she chronicles the many ways that she embarrasses herself at the website www.youlifeisnotsogreat.com. Her collection of flash prose, Better Bones, is forthcoming from Thirty West Publishing House, summer 2019.