Lyd Havens: Sometimes I Dream

Photo: Joanna C. Valente
I once found a dead rattlesnake still poised for the kill:
uncoiled head angled jaw completely
unhinged Years later
and I’m still Googling
My father used to loan me his pocketknife
when I walked up our dirt road to check
the mailbox My only hobby if a man
ever comes up to you have both blades ready
stab him quick and not just once the shell of it:
faux mother of pearl reeking of tobacco
warm to the touch even in winter
the blades: always more dull than my father remembered
I grew up watching him coax splinters out
of his thumb with them slit the throats of stubborn weeds
sunburned on the windowsill of his trailer Years later
estrangement still wasn’t foreshadowing I told him
I’m terrified of men and he laughed
that’s ridiculous don’t you know there are much scarier things
in this world? War? Flash floods? Rattlesnakes?
Sometimes I think about falling asleep while clutching a knife
Sometimes I dream of my father the voice
I haven’t heard in three months the face I haven’t seen in eight
there are two blades on either side of my coiled palm
and my teeth taste like venom—
Lyd Havens is the author of the chapbook I Gave Birth to All the Ghosts Here (Nostrovia! Press, 2018). The winner of the 2018 ellipsis… Poetry Prize, their work has been published in Ploughshares, The Shallow Ends, and Tinderbox Poetry Journal, among others. . Lyd is currently an undergraduate at Boise State University, where they are studying creative writing and history. They can be found on Twitter and Instagram at @lizardhavens.